AGENDA - 2023.10.10


Tentative Agenda


October 10, 2023                                    6:00pm                               Media Center



Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of Minutes
      2. Approval of Financials
  3. Public Comment
  4. Personnel
      1. Appointments
        1. Billy Rouw - Summer Band
        2. Billy Rouw - Jazz Band (.063 Teaching)
      2. Resignations
        1. Katie Limyao - Summer Band
        2. Katie Limyao - Jazz Band           
  5. Consider District Developed Delivery Plan
  6. Consider Preschool & Latchkey Pricing Proposal
  7. First Reading of School Board Policies
  8. Consider Irrigation Proposal           
  9. Consider Scoreboard Proposal
  10. Information
      1. Superintendent Information
      2. Principal Information
      3. Next Meeting Date: TBD
  11. Adjourn



An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all board members.  Anyone who wants to meet with the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.  Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time.  The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.