302.5E1 - Iowa Superintendent Evaluation

Developed by and for Iowa school leaders by the Iowa Association of School Boards and the School Administrators of Iowa to be used in conjunction with the Superintendent Evaluation Resource Guide: Promoting Professional Growth Through a Systems Approach.





Available on-line: www.ia-sb.org and www.sai-iowa.org
November 2007



At the end of the year, the board should have an agenda item for the formal summative evaluation of the superintendent.  Part II includes a final form to be placed in the superintendent's personnel file.


Standard #1:  A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and                         stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

Sample Performance Indicators

1.1  Sets priorities which evidence shows result in improved student achievement.

1.2  Articulates a vision of high expectations for teaching and student learning, and promotes school improvement to get there.

1.3 ​​​​​ Sets an example for gathering, analyzing and using district data for decision-making.



Supporting Evidence/Comments: ___________________





Goal Attainment Rating


     Weak - Average – Exemplary

         1   -   2   -    3   -  4   -   5

(Circle Appropriate Response)

Standard #2:  A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and
                        instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development. 

Sample Performance Indicators

2.1  Provides leadership for annually assessing and setting priorities on student and district needs and providing structures for improvement.

2.2  Uses data to determine needs and oversee provision of appropriate professional development to meet needs. 

2.3  Continually learning about and applying new developments in education.

2.4  Provides leadership encouragement, opportunities, and structures for all staff to continually improve teaching and learning.



Supporting Evidence/Comments: ___________________






Goal Attainment Rating


     Weak - Average – Exemplary

         1   -   2   -    3   -  4   -   5

          (Circle Appropriate Response)     


Standard #3:  A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations and resources
                        for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment. 


Sample Performance Indicators


3.1  Provides direction and support for periodic review of plans, policies and procedures and their impact on student learning. 

3.2  Monitors distribution of district resources based on the district's school improvement plan. 

3.3  Evaluates performance of staff, takes appropriate follow-up action and supports improvement.

3.4  Effectively manages district budget, facilities and staff in ways that maximize improved student learning.



Supporting Evidence/Comments: ___________________






Goal Attainment Rating


     Weak - Average – Exemplary

         1   -   2   -    3   -  4   -   5

         (Circle Appropriate Response)


Standard #4:  A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding
                        to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community resources. 


Sample Performance Indicators

4.1  Provides leadership for improving parent/student/community involvement in the schools.

4.2  Promotes, demonstrates, and supports clear two-way communication for district priorities at all levels of the community school district.

4.3  Provides community service and leadership for developing a positive rapport between the schools and the community.



Supporting Evidence/Comments: ___________________






Goal Attainment Rating


     Weak - Average – Exemplary

         1   -   2   -    3   -  4   -   5

         (Circle Appropriate Response)     



Standard #5:  A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner. 


Sample Performance Indicators

5.1  Conducts oneself in an ethical, fair, trustworthy and professional manner.

5.2  Establishes practices to promote personal, physical and emotional health. 

5.3  Demonstrates respect for diversity in students, staff and programs.



Supporting Evidence/Comments: ___________________






Goal Attainment Rating


     Weak - Average – Exemplary

         1   -   2   -    3   -  4   -   5

          (Circle Appropriate Response)           


Standard #6:  A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding the profile of the community, and responding to and
                        influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context.


Sample Performance Indicators


6.1 Serves as an articulate advocate to community and legislature for issues beneficial to improved teaching and learning.


6.2 Provides leadership for defining superintendent and board roles, mutual expectations, procedures for working together, and formulating appropriate district policies.


6.3 Knows and supports the district school improvement plan and accurately reports progress on goals.



Supporting Evidence/Comments: ___________________






Goal Attainment Rating


     Weak - Average – Exemplary

         1   -   2   -    3   -  4   -   5

         (Circle Appropriate Response)           


Overall Consideration of Standards




Of the standards listed, which is the superintendent's greatest strength?  How does this strength directly contribute to district goals?




Of the standards listed, which area of standard achievement is presenting the greatest blocker to the superintendent leading for achievement of district goals?




What supports might the board offer to enhance the superintendent's strengths and promote triumph over existing blockers?




Overall End of Year Summary


                                                                (Place a check (a) in either the Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory column for each goal)


Job Responsibilities



Overall Standards



                        Goal 1



                        Goal 2



                        Goal 3



                        Goal 4



                        Goal 5






Summative Rating




Significant Achievements:



Areas for Growth:




Superintendent Comments:



Board Comments:





Superintendent's Signature: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________ Date:___________


Evaluation period: _____________________, 20__  to  _____________________, 20__


Board President’s Signature: ________________________________ Date:___________



Approved 07/13/09                