605.6E1 - Acceptable Use Signature Form
605.6E1 - Acceptable Use Signature FormParent/Guardian Signature
I have read and understand the information provided regarding appropriate use of technology at Janesville Consolidated School District. I also understand that my child’s work (writing, drawings, etc.) may occasionally be published on the internet.
I understand this form will be kept on file at the school.
(Parent Name – Print)
____________________________________________ _______________
(Parent Signature) (Date)
Student Signature
(Parents, please review this policy with your child and have them respond to the following)
I have read the Acceptable Use Policy and agree to abide by these provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may constitute suspension or revocation of internet and/or technology privileges.
I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing any internet services that incur a cost.
(Student Name – Print)
_____________________________________________ ________________
(Student Signature) (Date)
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 7/13/09