605.6R1 - Examples of Unacceptable Uses
605.6R1 - Examples of Unacceptable Uses• This list is by no mean exhaustive, but an attempt to provide examples of activities which fall into the category of unacceptable use.
- Users should not download copy or store any software applications in their server space unless approved by the Technology Coordinator. (Do not drag applications to your desktop.)
- The network may not be used for commercial purposes. Users may not give away or sell products or services through the system.
- Use of network for advertising or unsolicited political lobbying is prohibited.
- The network may not be used for any activity, or to transmit any material, that violates United States or local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, illegal activities such as threatening the safety of another person or violating copyright laws.
- Network users may not use vulgar, derogatory, or obscene language. Users may not engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person.
- Network users may not log on to someone else’s account or attempt to access another user’s files. “Hacking” or otherwise trying to gain access to another person’s or organization’s computer system is prohibited. Never share your password with anyone.
- Users may not access material that is obscene or that promotes illegal acts. If a user accidentally accesses this type of information, he or she should immediately get out of the site, then notify a teacher, librarian, and/or network administrator.
- Network users may not engage in “spamming” or participate in chain letters. Any email forwarded to mailing lists should be directly related to school business.
- Users may not bypass the school’s internet filter. This includes the use of proxy servers.
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 09/19/12