605.6 - Technology - Acceptable Use Policy
605.6 - Technology - Acceptable Use PolicyThe following statement of acceptable use of the Janesville Consolidated School District (JCSD) technology resources applies to all JCSD faculty, staff, administration, students, parents, other employees and guests using school district information resources.
JCSD offers a variety of technology resources for staff, student, and parent use. Access to these resources is a privilege and not a right. Privileges can and will be taken away for violation of the policy and regulations. All students and their parents or guardians must read and understand the acceptable use policies, and provide the signed acknowledgment form annually, to be kept on file in the school office.
When using district-supplied information technology facilities and resources, individuals agree to abide by all policies and procedures adopted by the JCSD as well as all current federal, state, and local laws. These include District policies and procedures against harassment, plagiarism, and unethical conduct; as well as local, state, and federal laws prohibiting theft, copyright infringement, and insertion of viruses into computer systems, vandalism, and other unlawful intrusions. In the event of violation of any of these policies, procedures or laws, current district disciplinary policies and practices will be followed, including those regulating the provision of information to law enforcement authorities.
Internet access is available through a complex association of agencies, regional and state networks and commercial organizations. To ensure the smooth operation of the network, end users must adhere to established guidelines regarding proper conduct and efficient, ethical and legal usage.
With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered of educational value in the context of the school setting. On a global network it is impossible to control access to all materials; an industrious user may discover inappropriate information. While the JCSD prohibits access to such material, it is not possible to totally prevent access. The JCSD firmly believes that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the District.
Internet activities will be monitored by the district through supervision and use of internet filtering mechanisms to ensure that users are not accessing inappropriate sites that have visual depictions that include obscenity, pornography, or are harmful to minors. The District will take measures for educating minors about appropriate online behavior.
Internet technology resources must be used in support of education and research, and consistent with JCSD educational objectives. Specifically prohibited are violations of copyright, threatening or obscene material, commercial activities, product advertisement, or unsolicited political lobbying.
Employee Technology: Damaged Technology shall be fixed or replaced after first incident at no cost to employee. Second loss per computer lifecycle, employees will be charged insurance premium of $100 and every instance thereafter. Damage due to carelessness may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to suspension of privileges.
Vandalism will result in a suspension of privileges and payment for damages. Other district disciplinary policies and practices may also apply. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or data of another user or interference with network operation. This includes, but is not limited to the uploading or creation of viruses, removing keys from keyboards, removing any parts from equipment and hacking.
To maintain consistency and licensing, the technology coordinator will regulate installation of software on computers. Users should check before installing software. Users are prohibited from installing software. Only software owned by the district may be installed.
The district takes precautions to avoid data loss, but the potential for loss always exists. The District will not be held responsible for any loss of data.
Appropriate use of the network is critical for stability and smooth operation. Bypassing the content filter by using proxy servers and any other means is not allowed.
Social networking sites and instant messaging are not prohibited, although require responsible use. Such interactive sites provide an educational environment which may serve as organizational tools, prompts to guide student discussion and response, enhance collaboration, allow for electronic retrieval and submission of assignments, and provide access to grades, assignments, and calendars to both students and parents. Instructional activities using social networking sites and instant messaging will be supervised by the
teacher. This policy also serves as notice and consent of all and any such ‘terms of use’ for such activity. Use of social networking sites during instructional time for non-curricular purposes requires approval from the immediate supervisor.
The network is not be used in a way that would disrupt the use of the network by others (e.g., downloading huge files, sending mass e-mail messages). Information stored on the District server must be for a school-related purpose, and does not maintain any expectation of confidentiality.
Email accounts may be provided for all staff and students. Users will check their email frequently and stay within their email quota.
Email which resides on the District server/network is not confidential. Email messages may be requested by the public under the Open Records Act.
Other email violations include, but are not limited to:
- Do not email personal items for sale or to give away. Ask the building administrator where these items can be posted.
- Do not forward email to the school mailing lists unless it specifically relates to school business.
- Do not engage in “spamming” or participate in chain letters
Chain Letter Definition: a letter to be circulated among many people by being Copied, or, sometimes, added to, and then passed to others with a request to do the same.
Spamming Definition: to send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or news groups.
- Do not send large email attachments to building mailing lists or a large number of users at once. (General Rule – less than 3MB)
- Never reply to a spam email.
Personal electronic and/or technological devices are not permitted on the District’s security protected network. All District policies, rules, and regulations apply to devices which access any network provided by the District.
The purpose of the District-sponsored web site is: to make parents, students, and community aware of the school, classroom, and student activities, and to support communication among those groups.
When publishing, users must remember that visitors to the site will include global communities (students, families, staff, alumni, community, prospective students and families, and ANYONE in the world with internet access.)
Teacher created web pages that are used in the classroom or to support instruction must follow the procedures outlined in this document. Teacher and/or school-related web sites and links to external sites must be instructional in content and all subject matter on the web pages must relate to curriculum, instruction, school activities, or general information that is relevant and appropriate. Web pages for individuals or organizations not directly affiliated with the District
are not allowed and items are not to be solicited or advertised for personal business. Personal information should be kept to a minimum. Only school phone numbers and email address should be posted on the web sites.
Only school-sponsored fund raising may be placed on District web pages.
CONFIDENTIALITY - Student work may be published when it relates to a class project, course, or other school-related activity. No personal information, such as home phone numbers or addresses, should be included for any student. Content should not reveal students’ disabilities such as “Ms. Jones’ Special Education Class.” For student publishers, the sponsoring staff member’s email must be included as the responsible person.
Any student included in a photo must have a photo release signature on file. Staff may opt to have their photo on their own web page, but written permission will be needed to use another staff member’s photo on a page.
QUALITY - All web pages created for use in the district will be approved by the network administrator before being uploaded to the site for the first time. Student web pages must be approved by the teacher before being uploaded to a web server.
The District reserves the right to remove any web pages deemed inappropriate or contrary to District policies.
COPYRIGHT – Videos from United Streaming/Discovery or other sites should be linked from their original site, not from a file on the District server. Only original works may be linked to a file directly from the District web server.
Music cannot be made available for download, unless it was an original piece created by you. This includes music in student presentations that are on the web as well. All pages and content are the property of the Janesville Consolidated School District.
REQUIREMENTS – Schools, teachers and staff members must provide email and work telephone information on their web pages as a convenient means of communication for their web site visitors. Student web pages must contain the email address of the supervising teacher.
Legal References: Iowa Code §§ 279.8(1995).
Cross References: 502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
506 Student Records
605.5 Media Centers
Approved 8/12/96
Reviewed 07/11/22
Revised 07/11/22
605.6E1 - Acceptable Use Signature Form
605.6E1 - Acceptable Use Signature FormParent/Guardian Signature
I have read and understand the information provided regarding appropriate use of technology at Janesville Consolidated School District. I also understand that my child’s work (writing, drawings, etc.) may occasionally be published on the internet.
I understand this form will be kept on file at the school.
(Parent Name – Print)
____________________________________________ _______________
(Parent Signature) (Date)
Student Signature
(Parents, please review this policy with your child and have them respond to the following)
I have read the Acceptable Use Policy and agree to abide by these provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may constitute suspension or revocation of internet and/or technology privileges.
I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing any internet services that incur a cost.
(Student Name – Print)
_____________________________________________ ________________
(Student Signature) (Date)
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 7/13/09
605.6E2 - Acceptable Use Violation
605.6E2 - Acceptable Use ViolationStudents who violate the Acceptable Use Policy shall be subject to, but not limited to, the following consequences. Additional District Policy may be applicable to the violation.
First Offense: Loss of internet access for a period of 30 school days.
Second Offense: Loss of internet access for a period of 90 school days.
Third Offense: Loss of all internet and/or technology privileges for a period of 1 calendar year.
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 7/19/11
605.6E3 - Acceptable Use Signature Form - Employee
605.6E3 - Acceptable Use Signature Form - EmployeeI have read and understand the information provided regarding appropriate use of technology resources at Janesville Consolidated School District. I agree to abide by these provisions and I understand that violations will result in disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal.
I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing any internet services that have costs involved.
I understand this form will be kept on file at the school.
(Employee Name – Print)
____________________________________________ _______________
(Employee Signature) (Date)
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 7/13/09, 7/19/11
605.6R1 - Examples of Unacceptable Uses
605.6R1 - Examples of Unacceptable Uses• This list is by no mean exhaustive, but an attempt to provide examples of activities which fall into the category of unacceptable use.
- Users should not download copy or store any software applications in their server space unless approved by the Technology Coordinator. (Do not drag applications to your desktop.)
- The network may not be used for commercial purposes. Users may not give away or sell products or services through the system.
- Use of network for advertising or unsolicited political lobbying is prohibited.
- The network may not be used for any activity, or to transmit any material, that violates United States or local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, illegal activities such as threatening the safety of another person or violating copyright laws.
- Network users may not use vulgar, derogatory, or obscene language. Users may not engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person.
- Network users may not log on to someone else’s account or attempt to access another user’s files. “Hacking” or otherwise trying to gain access to another person’s or organization’s computer system is prohibited. Never share your password with anyone.
- Users may not access material that is obscene or that promotes illegal acts. If a user accidentally accesses this type of information, he or she should immediately get out of the site, then notify a teacher, librarian, and/or network administrator.
- Network users may not engage in “spamming” or participate in chain letters. Any email forwarded to mailing lists should be directly related to school business.
- Users may not bypass the school’s internet filter. This includes the use of proxy servers.
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 09/19/12
605.6R2 - Safety Guidelines for Students
605.6R2 - Safety Guidelines for Students- Never give out your last name, address, phone number, age, school, or where you hang out. Tell your parents or an adult if someone asks for this information.
- Choose a nickname/username that is appropriate and does not include your real name.
- Never share your password with anyone.
- Never agree to meet in person with anyone you have met online unless you first have the approval of a parent or guardian.
- Notify an adult immediately if you receive a message that may be inappropriate or if you encounter any material that violates the Acceptable Use Policy.
- Your parents should instruct you if there is additional material that they think would be inappropriate for you to access. The JCSD expects you to follow your parent’s wishes in this matter. Remember that everything you read online may not be true.
- Never respond to messages that are obscene, threatening, or make you feel uncomfortable. If you receive a threatening email, do not delete it. Tell an adult and they can contact your service provider for assistance in tracing it.
- Don’t say anything in text that you wouldn’t want the public to know.
- If someone in a chat room says or does something inappropriate, block them and do not respond.
- Do not pretend to be someone you are not.
- Do not cyberbully. Do not say mean and rude things.
Technology makes it easy and fast to access and post information online. Stop and think before you type. Are you being a good digital citizen?
- Don’t search for illegal, crude, rude, or inappropriate things.
- Don’t harass other students through blogs
- Don’t copyright infringe or plagiarize, or download anything illegally.
- If you ever have to think if the site you want to use is appropriate, it probably is not.
- Never post personal information, such as your full name, phone number, address, where you
work, etc. Google yourself. Would you want a future employer to see what you find? Could
someone find you based on your online information?
- Think before you type. Would you say it to their face?
- Evaluate web content. Everything on the internet is not true.
- Know when it is appropriate to play online games or access non-educational sites.
Approved 09/07/96
Reviewed 11/15/21
Revised 7/19/11