Click the links below to find the school board meeting agendas.

Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 05/31/2024 - 14:31

AGENDA - 2024.07.08

AGENDA - 2024.07.08


Tentative Agenda


July 8th, 2024           5:15pm           Media Center


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Approval of Financials

  3. Public Comment

  4. Personnel

    1. Appointments

      1. Erin Wright - Para Lead

      2. April Clubine - Para Lead

      3. Brittney Henesey - Para Professional

    2. Resignations

  5. Visitors

    1. Brad Trees

    2. Maggie Burger

    3. Richard White

  6. Consider approving business manager to pay year end bills

  7. First Reading - Policy Primer

  8. Information

    1. Superintendent Information

    2. Principal Information

    3. Next Meeting Date: TBD

  9. Adjourn

todd.foelske@j… Fri, 07/05/2024 - 09:10

AGENDA - 2024.08.19

AGENDA - 2024.08.19


Tentative Agenda


August 19th, 2024           6:00pm           Media Center

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Approval of Financials

  3. Public Comment

  4. Personnel

    1. Appointments

      1. Molly Assink - 9th Hour

      2. Kaylen Lehmen - Latchkey

      3. Kiley Voshell - Latchkey

      4. Zoey Killion - Latchkey

      5. Deb Hanson - Art/TAG

      6. Lily Happel - Volunteer Volleyball & Paraprofessional

      7. Allison Fisher - Volunteer Volleyball

      8. Holli Robbins - PK/SPED

    2. Resignations

      1. Natalie Dettmann

  5. Consider Purchase of Literacy Materials from Amplify - $22,223.16

  6. Consider Accounting Software Renewal Software Unlimited $10,300

  7. Consider Rental Fee Skid Loader $5430

  8. Library Report

  9. Consider KV Tank Purchase

  10. Second Reading and Consideration of Policy Primer 

  11. Consider Extra Duty Pay Increase - $20 to $25

  12. Information

    1. Superintendent Information

    2. Principal Information

    3. Next Meeting Date: TBD

  13. Adjourn



An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all board members.  Anyone who wants to meet with the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.  Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time.  The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.

todd.foelske@j… Fri, 08/16/2024 - 20:09

AGENDA - 2024.09.10

AGENDA - 2024.09.10


Tentative Agenda


September 10th, 2024            5:15pm            Media Center

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Approval of Financials

  3. Public Comment

  4. Personnel

    1. Appointments

      1. Riley Hamilton - JH Assistant Basketball

      2. Tori Hazard - JH VB Assistant

    2. Resignations

  5. Consider Literacy Team Recommendations

  6. Consider Amending Official Pay Date

  7. Consider School Board Policy 403.1 Bus Driver Physical

  8. Wrestling

  9. Information

    1. Superintendent Information

    2. Principal Information

    3. Next Meeting Date: TBD

  10. Adjourn

An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all board members.  Anyone who wants to meet with the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.  Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time.  The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.

todd.foelske@j… Tue, 09/10/2024 - 13:01

AGENDA - 2024.10.15

AGENDA - 2024.10.15


Tentative Agenda


October 15th, 2024           6:00pm           Media Center

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Approval of Financials

  3. Public Comment

  4. Personnel

    1. Appointments

      1. Nick Hogan - HS Boys Wrestling

      2. Dylan Wrage - JH Girls Wrestling

    2. Resignations

      1. Dale Eastman - Weightroom

      2. Pat Meyer - Weightroom

  5. Consider Modified Allowable Growth of $61,948.72 for Special Education Deficit

  6. Consider Truck Bid

  7. Review Certified Annual Report

  8. Consider Board Policy 705.1R1, 705.1R2, 705.4, 705.4R1, 707.5R1

  9. Consider Snow Removal Bid

  10. Information

    1. Superintendent Information

    2. Principal Information

    3. Next Meeting Date: November 11th, 2024

  11. Adjourn

todd.foelske@j… Sat, 10/12/2024 - 09:20

AGENDA - 2024.11.11

AGENDA - 2024.11.11


Tentative Agenda


November 11th, 2024           6:00pm           Media Center

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Approval of Financials

  3. Public Comment

  4. Personnel

    1. Appointments

      1. Riley Hamilton - JH Girls Basketball Coach

      2. Nick Hogan - Asst Girls Track Coach

      3. Amber Hoth - Asst Girls Wrestling Coach

    2. Resignation/Reassignment

      1. Bri Walderbach - Paraprofessional - Reassignment

  5. Consider Kay Chapman Audit Fieldwork Invoice

  6. Consider River Hills Administrative Cost 

  7. Modern Design Presentation - Wrestling

  8. Consider Security Camera Bids - Safety Grant

  9. Consider Roofing Bid

  10. Information

    1. Superintendent Information

    2. Principal Information

    3. Next Meeting Date: TBD

  11. Adjourn


An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all board members.  Anyone who wants to meet with the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.  Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time.  The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.

todd.foelske@j… Sat, 11/09/2024 - 18:48

AGENDA - 2024.12.09

AGENDA - 2024.12.09


Tentative Agenda


December 9th, 2024           6:00pm           Media Center


Organization of the New Board

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Election of President and Vice President
  4. Determine Regular Meeting Schedule
  5. Public Comment

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Approval of Financials
  3. Public Comment
  4. Personnel
    1. Appointments
      1. Brady Benning - Volunteer Wrestling Coach
      2. Maxwell Forsyth -  Volunteer Wrestling Coach
      3. Grady Rowe - Student Media 
      4. Amy Karpouzian - Bus Driver
      5. Katrina Hernandez - Bus Driver
    2. Resignation/Reassignment
  5. Consider Roofing Bid
  6. Consider Work Based Learning Sharing Agreement
  7. Annual Resolution Indicating District Financial Depositories
  8. Consider Wrestling Mat Purchase
  9. Consider SBRC Application for MSA Request for Increased Certified Enrollment
  10. Consider River Hills Administrative Cost 
  11. Information
    1. Superintendent Information
    2. Principal Information
    3. Next Meeting Date: TBD
  12. Adjourn



An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all board members.  Anyone who wants to meet with the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.  Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time.  The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.

todd.foelske@j… Mon, 12/09/2024 - 08:54

AGENDA - 2025.01.13

AGENDA - 2025.01.13


Tentative Agenda


January 13th, 2025           6:00pm           Media Center


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Approval of Financials

  3. Public Comment

  4. Personnel

    1. Appointments

      1. Maya Smith - Paraprofessional

      2. Patrick Eastman - JH Wrestling

      3. Sophia Cossio - Latchkey

      4. Zoey Barnes - Latchkey

      5. Karen Eastman - JH Girls Track

    2. Resignation/Reassignment

      1. Lily Happel - Paraprofessional

  5. Consider Drivers Education Contract

  6. Consider Communications Innovators Invoice

  7. Consider Band Trip - Tentative

  8. Consider Upper Iowa Conference Invite - Wrestling Only

  9. Information

    1. Superintendents Information

    2. Principal Information

    3. Next Meeting Date: TBD

  10. Adjourn


An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all board members.  Anyone who wants to meet with the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.  Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time.  The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.

todd.foelske@j… Fri, 01/10/2025 - 09:56